Grant Portal Resources

Next50 uses Fluxx for our Grants Management

Everyone will need to register or create an account in our new system if you have not done so, please click here to complete your registration.

If you have questions our team is available to assist you. Email us at or call 303.547.1800.

Online Account Information

Everyone will need to register or create an account in our new system (including former and new applicants as well as current grantees) please click here to complete your registration.

  • Existing grantees/applicants: If you had an account in our previous system you need to create your password. Select the “Reset or create password” link at the bottom of the left side, enter the same email address you used to access your account on our old portal and follow the instructions in the email to create your password.
  • New users: Select “Create an account now” and enter your information.
  • Returning users: Enter your email address and password and sign in.

*Important! For email communication, Please add to your safe sender list to ensure you receive important automated email communication from our system.

The image below outlines the areas of the login screen:


Video Tutorials – Coming soon

Grant Portal Access
