Grantee Resources
Welcome to the Family of Next50 Grantees
Congratulations on your grant award from Next50! We welcome you as a grantee and offer this package of support materials to help you communicate about your program and your award.
We’ve created this toolkit to help you promote your organization or project, generate interest, and maintain communication as you do your important work. Most importantly, please know that we are here to assist you and champion your success!
Communicating About Your Support from Next50
Spread the word: Sharing news about your grant is a great way to raise your organization’s profile as well as fuel conversations about both aging and ways to support older adults. Referencing Next50 as the source of funding in your announcements helps us do the same! We all benefit when we work together to promote our efforts to benefit older adults.
Other Things To Keep In Mind
Please use our name correctly: Use “Next50” when referring to your funding publicly.
Combat visual ageism: Help us end visual ageism by downloading and using a thoughtfully curated photo of an older adult via Shutterstock here.
Change the narrative: Use Reframing Aging language in your communication about your grant and funded project. We’ve included a language quick-start guide in our toolkit to help you.
End ageism: Help us move toward ending ageism by visiting and using these resources: Frameworks Institute on Aging and Changing the Narrative in Colorado.
Note on logo usage: Please do not alter logo colors, rearrange design elements, stretch or distort the logo, or alter or add elements to the logo. If you have questions regarding the use of our logo, please email info@next50foundation.org or call 303.547.1800