Vatsala Kapur


Vatsala Kapur brings almost three decades of experience in health policy and public health. She has spent much of her career focused on health information technology policy and delivery system and payment reform initiatives as a consultant and policy advisor at the state and federal levels. She is presently a Senior Vice President of External Affairs and Channel Partnerships at Bamboo Health, a company which empowers life-improving actions during pivotal care moments to improve behavioral and physical health. Vatsala is a recipient of The Livesay Award for Social Change from The Colorado College and The American Marshall Memorial Fellowship. She was also selected to participate in the University of Colorado’s Denver Community Leadership Forum. She currently serves on the boards of the Next50 and the New Venture Fund. Previously, she has also served as an Operating Board member of the Bonfils Blood Center, a Trustee at St. Anne’s Episcopal School and a board member of the Children’s Museum of Denver, The Bell Policy Center, and WorldDenver.

Vatsala received a Master of Public Affairs from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, and a Master of Arts degree from the Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. She graduated cum laude with distinction with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and history with a Latin America concentration and a minor in North American Studies from The Colorado College. She has a Certificate in Mediation from the University of Denver. She is the mother of two children and enjoys hiking and singing in her free time.
