Impact Investing

At Next50, we harness the power of investing to create a world that values aging. We aim to generate mission-related social impact alongside financial return, recycling our foundation’s capital into our community and country.

Why Impact Investing?

Next50 considers both Mission Related Investments (MRIs) and Program Related Investments (PRIs).

  • MRIs are mission-first investments that allow foundations to direct endowment funds toward social impact while maintaining financial returns.
  • PRIs are impact-first investments that provide access to more affordable financial resources that may not be available through traditional channels.

Impact investing provides opportunities to regenerate capital for re-use into more grants or impact investments. This model matches community needs with the right type of philanthropic support. It promotes innovation and is typically more data-driven, leading to measurable outcomes. 

Is my organization eligible for an Impact Investment?

Next50 considers MRI and PRI opportunities that are aligned with its three priority areas on a case-by-case basis. To learn more about your eligibility, please contact our team here.  

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