2025 Grant Opportunities

Supporting economic well-being for older adults and the organizations that serve them.

Colorado Organizational Resiliency (COR): Providing flexible financial support to Colorado-based nonprofits working to make it less expensive to age in Next50’s three priority areas. This grant seeks to help organizations build their resiliency, effectively navigate uncertainties, recover from setbacks, and maintain impact over the long term.

Cambiando el envejecimiento – Catalyzing systems-level, equitable programmatic innovations that reduce the cost of aging and/or support economic well-being of older adults in Next50’s three priority areas.

Sudden & Urgent Need (SUN) – Addressing one-time, urgent needs for small nonprofit organizations based in Colorado.

01 – Connection to Marginalized Older Adults

Requesting organizations must demonstrate a focus on serving marginalized older populations. Marginalized refers to the systematic social, economic, and political exclusion or disadvantage faced by individuals or groups, particularly those with intersectional identities. Please refer to our list of poblaciones prioritarias. Se dará prioridad a los solicitantes que demuestren una sólida comprensión de las identidades interseccionales de los adultos mayores a quienes atienden y que trabajen activamente para desmantelar las barreras sistémicas al acceso.

02 – Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion 

Applicants must clearly demonstrate the organization’s commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, including staff and leadership diversity. Applications must show thoughtful and intentional efforts to understand and promote equitable and inclusive values within their organization and in their responsiveness to the communities served.

03 – Alignment to Priority Areas

Applicants will be asked to briefly describe how their work with older adults aligns with one or more of Next50’s priority areas: ending ageism, advancing digital equity, and supporting aging in place.

04 – Innovation

Applicants must articulate how their request is innovative by explaining 1) how novel the project is, and 2) if it is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than existing solutions. This work should make strides toward lasting improvement rather than maintaining the status quo.

05 – economic well-being

Applicants must demonstrate a path to improving older adults’ economic well-being in short-and/or long-term.

06 – Partnership (Changing Aging grants only)

Applications will be strengthened by meaningful partnerships that will contribute to the grant’s ultimate impact on changing aging. Partners may be other non-profits or may include cross-sector collaborations. Applicants will be asked to provide an MOU or Letter of Commitment for named partners.

07 – systems change (Changing Aging grants only)

Applicants will need to demonstrate how the organization is a key contributor toward a path to transforming structures, policies, practices, power dynamics, and/or norms within an organization, community, or larger social structure.

08 – organizational resiliency/Capacity (COR grants only)

Grant seekers must show how the grant will restore or increase the organization’s capacity or resiliency, not maintain the status quo. The activities of the grant should clearly support the goal of increasing capacity or resiliency.

09 – Need For Funds

Applicants must clearly describe their organization’s financial need for requested funds. Because funding is limited, we will consider both an organization’s need for funding and its financial sustainability. If you have significant cash reserves or a budget surplus, please explain why the requested funds are needed. Similarly, if you have low cash reserves or a budget deficit, please share how the requested funds will help improve financial sustainability and/or how you plan to improve your financial position.

If selected for funding, the grantee will be expected to agree to Next50’s grant agreement. Please review this agreement before applying as it addresses Next50’s requirements for reporting, publicity, intellectual property, and other performance-related obligations. No se aceptarán modificaciones o ajustes al convenio de subvención.

• All interested organizations are invited to schedule a call with a Next50 Community Impact Manager to discuss our opportunities.

• Click aquí to request a meeting with a Community Impact Manager.

• Technical assistance

Click aquí to learn how to schedule a meeting with Next50.

Información del portal de subvenciones

Next50 uses Fluxx Grantmaking portal. To apply for funding, all organizations will need to have an account in our new system. Please click aquí para completar su registro. *Please note that registration can take up to two business days.

Visita nuestro Página de recursos del portal de subvenciones para obtener instrucciones adicionales.

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