Frequently asked questions

What is the funding timeline?

All 2025 grants will be awarded on a rolling basis. Grant funds will be distributed at the ends of March, June, September, and December.

What are your funding requirements?

All grant applications must demonstrate the following:

  • Alignment with one or more of Next50’s three priority areas, mission, and core values
  • Connection with Next50’s priority populations
  • Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
  • Clear contribution toward making aging more affordable 
  • Innovation

Additional criteria may be applicable for respective grant opportunities. For a complete list of application requirements, please click aquí.

What will NOT be considered?

• Entities outside of Colorado for COR and SUN grants; Changing Aging grants are open to Colorado and non-Colorado entities.

• Universities for COR and SUN grants. Changing Aging grants are open to Universities.

• Government entities for COR and SUN grants. Changing Aging grants are open to Government entities.

• LLCs or for-profit organizations (we do not accept applications from for-profit organizations under a non-profit fiscal sponsor).

• Requests that duplicate state or federal funding including Medicare and Medicaid.

•Requests for matching state or federal funding.

• Requests to fill gaps in state or federal funding without a path for program sustainability beyond grant term.

• Lobbying, political campaigns, and requests to support a specific political position.

• Fundraising and general event sponsorships.

• Type III non-functionally integrated supporting organizations (as classified by IRS form 990, Schedule A, Part 1).

• Laboratory research*

*Next50 no apoya la investigación de ciencias básicas (laboratorio húmedo). La investigación en laboratorio húmedo incluye proyectos en los que se analizan y/o prueban medicamentos, productos químicos y otros tipos de materia biológica. Next50 puede y apoyará proyectos piloto, estudios de viabilidad y evaluaciones de necesidades basados en investigaciones. Este tipo de actividades de investigación suelen ser precursores necesarios para establecer la viabilidad de la implementación de diversas innovaciones.

Can an organization apply for more than one funding opportunity?

Organizations will not be eligible for an invitation to apply for more than one funding opportunity in a grant year. The only exception is for Sudden & Urgent Need Grants.

¿Cuánto puede solicitar una organización?

We ask that organizations discuss their request amount with a Community Impact Manager prior to receiving an invitation to apply.

• The maximum request amount is $150,000 a year.

• Multi-year funding is available for up to two years, for a total maximum request amount of $300,000.

• There is no maximum request amount for Changing Aging.

• Multi-year funding is available for up to three years.

• The maximum request amount is $30,000.

• Grantmaking is competitive and partial funding may be awarded, although it is rare.

Important: Next50 prohibits the assessment of a Gift Tax or Investment Fee assigned by grantees

How much should my organization request?

We ask that organizations request what they need to accomplish the goals of their grant request. Partial funding is rare. Organizations are asked to discuss their request amount with a Community Impact Manager prior to applying.

¿Se permiten patrocinadores fiscales?

• Yes. Next50 will allow nonprofit organizations to apply through a fiscal sponsor. A fiscal sponsor is a 501(c)(3) organization that provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other grant administrative services. A fiscal sponsor is held legally responsible for the management of grant funds and the obligations of the grant.

• The fiscal sponsor must have a formal relationship with the entity carrying out grant activities and be able to exercise control over grant activities. Next50 requires that the fiscal sponsor have a contractual relationship with the grant project partner and must possess a mission that clearly aligns with the activities of the grant.

• Please note, for-profit organizations are not eligible to apply for grant funding opportunity, with or without a fiscal sponsor.

Is an audit required?

• Nonprofits that have not yet completed an external audit or those with an audit older than 12/31/2022 will be limited to funding requests of $50,000 or less.

• Nonprofits with an annual operating budget of $500,000 or less are eligible to request more than $50,000, but they must submit an external Financial Review or Compilation in place of an audit.

What kind of grant agreement will my organization be asked to sign?

• If selected for funding, the grantee will be expected to agree to Next50’s acuerdo garantizado. Applicants are required to review this agreement before applying as it addresses Next50’s requirements with respect to reporting, publicity, intellectual property, and other performance related obligations.

No se aceptarán modificaciones o ajustes al convenio de subvención.

What are some examples of awards Next50 has made historically?

• Click aquí to learn more about our 2024 grant recipients!

What grant system does Next50 use for applications?

Next50 uses Fluxx Grantmaking. More information about our grant portal can be found here.

How can I apply?

2025 funding is available by invitation only. Please familiarize yourself with our requirements and haga clic aquí to learn how to schedule a meeting with Next50.

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